Thursday, February 26, 2009

Outside Reading

Lorraine continues to find some hope, finding her son's sneaker tracks in the desert (13). Either this is redeeming her hope that he is alive, or her denial, trying to pretend he is still alive. The tracks in the desert also might hint that she is being desperate and delusional, as the tracks might not even actually be there. The Parents still have discontent for the investigators, as they can't get anything done. Meanwhile, Wendy Whitebread is shown again, comic books galore (14). This shows that Neville can put his past behind him, and just live another leisurely life by himself and other unrestricted youths. This, of course, is just begging for trouble.

1 comment:

Erik P. said...

Okay, I can understand why parents would put themselves in denial about a child's death. They are naturally clinging to the idea that he is alive. On the other hand, could you talk more about why the investigation of the child's disappearance is insufficient?