Sunday, October 19, 2008

I attack Palin (WTF???

This is pretty old, but you may have heard Palin say something around the bounds of this: "Paying taxes is very patriotic." I really disagree with this. I think Palin is stupid because she's... an idiot
Here are some points.
1. Republicans are supposed to get rid of taxes, not support them. Party principalities.
2. Taxes are the exact opposite of American (Well, almost the exact opposite, they're not THAT French). Hmmmm. Why did America fight the Revolutionary War? To beat out the tea-drinking Brits and rid of the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, etc. (Fancy name for taxation)
3. Palin is in a clip, shooting an AK-47. How AMERICAN is an AK-47???

So... still vote for McCain, but keep an eye on Palin (She might be almost as socialist as FDR).

1 comment:

Vivian H said...

No no no Kevin, you've got it wrong. Republicans aren't against POOR people payiing taxes, they just don't want to tax the rich. So Palin isn't going against her party because it's patriotic for everyone else to pay taxes.