Thursday, October 9, 2008

Palin targeted once again by CNN

Note that this article is from CNN.
The Alaskan supreme court ruled that investigation on Sarah Palin about firing her public safety commissioner. The investigation is an attempt by Democrats to sabotage the GOP ticket. CNN states that Palin doesn't willingly go along with the investigation now. That's pretty much the whole story.

1 comment:

Chris L said...

I do agree with many other comments that Kevin, you do need to keep your republican views a little more to yourself. But Kevin is absolutely right that CNN is targeting Sarah Palin. I'm not saying that CNN is sexist, but just because she is a no-namer who has no past, hmm who was that just 22 months ago?...*cough Obama cough* So, while I do believe that CNN is extremely liberal and has been siding with Obama many times...(during the GOP convention they mentioned that, no matter who McCain would choose to be VP, he...or she...wouldn't be good enough to keep him in the running in November.)...I believe that the Alaskan supreme court is not siding with the liberals and sabotaging the GOP ticket.